Monday, February 11, 2008


Today we were at another mom's house for our co-op and she did a lesson on anatomy. She put so much work into our day. Our kids played for a good hour and got that out of their system and then two other children joined us. We delved right into the lesson. First she talked about what's on the outside of our bodies and then they were able to draw and construct their faces. Mickey's of course was a masterpiece disaster. She always managed to beat me to the glue and scissors! After this we had our lunch and celebrated one of the girl's birthdays. After lunch she gave each of them a take apart body with each of the organs being held on by velcro. She went through each of the organs she chose and had some neat demonstrations to enrapture the children; an active lung (balloon in bottle) and waste travelling through an intestine (a tennis ball travelling through a sock)! Oh boy were we toast after this one! Home we went to have dinner and then off to swimming.

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